Building Excellence

How do you build excellence? 

Often we believe we need to try harder, have more willpower, or be naturally talented if we are going to improve.  Unfortunately, the result is that often we think that building excellence is out of our reach, leaving us feeling inadequate and that the we just don’t have what it takes. 

The reality is that you don’t have to be a Usain Bolt, have amazing talent, or be blessed with incredible charisma, capability and confidence, to build excellence.  It is something that everyone can do. There is a body of knowledge and a skill set that anyone can learn. Knowledge and skills that help you move past blocks and get to a new level in what you do.

When you have a foundation in the skills that build excellence you get better results for your efforts (and yes, sometimes it is hard), giving you a huge advantage in moving forward and building excellence. 

The Building Excellence program is for people who know that they need to grow and develop if they are to get past a block or to break through to a new level in what they do. It’s for people who enjoy the sense of satisfaction that comes from mastering something new.  It’s for people who value the experience and results of building excellence in their life.


Building Excellence
Mentoring Program



Here’s an example from the ebook you’ll get when you do the program. Building Excellence –  Mindset Matters

This is what we will cover in the program.

Individual Mentoring Sessions. These sessions provide the support, guidance and encouragement you need. We focus on your unique situation, creating an environment that adds strength and effectiveness to your efforts as you step towards your goals.  

What is excellence It’s easy to skip over this, but how you perceive and define excellence is a key that can help or hinder your efforts, and being clear in this will impact all your efforts.

Psychology – your mindset and how to approach growth, learning and getting better

Strategy – a tool box of  practical strategies for you to use

Capacity – how to improve your underlying capacity so you have more to bring to a situation

Key points

  • An 8 week program
  • 4 fortnightly individual Skype/phone mentoring sessions
  • ‘Building Excellence’ Course notes
  • ‘I feel good’ e book
  • $780
  • Full refund if you stop at any stage because you do not think the program is value for money

To find out more, or to be part of the program just leave your name and contact details below